VTube and Windows 10 - Compatibility and Performance Notes
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We have Windows 10 test computers, and can verify that VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER are 100% compatible with Windows 10.
Performance Recommendation: SSD Drive
Our VTube-LASER Windows 10 computer is a high-end (powerful) Dell M6800 laptop with 16 GB of RAM. It was originally purchased with a standard mechanical 1TB hard drive. With this original setup, Windows 19 startup and program load time was much slower than our Windows 7 computers.
We swapped the original drive with a Samsung EVO 1TB Solid State Drive. This made Windows 10 perform 4 to 5 times times faster for Windows startup and program loads. It's performance is now similar to our Windows 7 computers. All of our Windows 10 computers are now required to have SSD type drives.
We strongly recommend that you require an SSD drive for the Windows operating system.