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You could use SVin in CNC Bender OFFLINE at a remote engineering station to use data from outside sources to setup the bender before the data reaches the operator station.

Revision as of 22:51, 31 August 2010

Cncbender logo.jpg

This describes basic principles for automatically setting the pressure to LOW in CNC Bender.

Modify the CONSTANT RUN Processlist

The Constant Run Processlist is good for tasks that should run ever 3/4 of a second. The process is reserved for non-motion type commands.

This is an example of watching for the high pressure output, and time beyond the last cycle:

[if] and, BeyondPowerOnTime=2000, BeyondLastCycleTime=5000, BeyondLastCycleTime=not(6000), output=Output_High_Pressure
  [display]AUTOMATIC HIGH to LOW PRESSURE After 5 Seconds 

In the example above, the LowPressureOn command will run...

  • When master motor power has been on for at least 2 seconds
  • The high pressure output is ON.
  • And the processor has been idle for between 5 and 6 seconds.

The "and" keyword in the [if] statement means that ALL of these conditions in the parameter line must be true. If they are true, then the LowPressureOn command is called.

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