Difference between revisions of "Benderlink for SolidWorks 1.71"

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(25px New - Bend Reduction Formula Editor)
(25px New - Bend Reduction Formula Editor)
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The editor is very powerful because it allows you to enter action Pascal code to define the function that returns the adjusted arc lengths.  This is an example bend reduction program included with Benderlink:
The editor is very powerful because it allows you to enter action Pascal code to define the function that returns the adjusted arc lengths.  This is an example bend reduction program included with Benderlink:

Revision as of 11:29, 7 March 2008




Check.jpg New - Bend Reduction Formula Editor

Predicting elongation in a tube shape requires complex mathematics that changes per customer application. Benderlink for SolidWorks now allows operators to program their Bend Reduction formula into the program.

Blinksw bendreductionfunction menu.jpg

The editor is very powerful because it allows you to enter action Pascal code to define the function that returns the adjusted arc lengths. This is an example bend reduction program included with Benderlink:

  BendAllowance: real;
  NewArc: real;
  BendAllowance := 0.64;
  NewArc := ((BendAllowance * blinksw(OD) + (PI/2 * (blinksw(CLR)-0.5 * blinksw(OD) ))) / 90) * blinksw(BENDANGLE);
  //MessageDlg('New Arc Length: ' + floattostr(NewArc), mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
  result := NewArc;