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====Video Topic: Using Tube Data Storage Menu to Access Historical Data====
====Video Topic: Using Tube Data Storage Menu to Access Historical Data====
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This is a tutorial by the developer of VTube-LASER, Michael Cone.  Michael explains the difference between the END LENGTH ADJUSTMENT values and the END MEASURED OFFSET values in the Part Setup menus.<br><br>
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* View [http://youtu.be/B3QnZHbJH6c YouTube]
* View [http://www.advancedtubular.com/vtube-laser/vtube-laser_1.96_end_adjusts_offsets.mp4 MP4]
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Revision as of 01:48, 30 October 2014

Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png See a complete list of VTube-LASER videos on this page.

Vtube-laser 1 73.jpg


Version 1.96

Video Topic: Using Tube Data Storage Menu to Access Historical Data

This is a tutorial by the developer of VTube-LASER, Michael Cone. Michael explains the difference between the END LENGTH ADJUSTMENT values and the END MEASURED OFFSET values in the Part Setup menus.

Vtl-1.96-endlengthadjust endmeasuredoffset video.png

This is a tutorial by the developer of VTube-LASER, Michael Cone. Michael will show you how use Tube Data Storage to permanently store historical data about every measure made by VTube-LASER.

Vtl-1.96-tubedatastorage video.png

Version 1.94

Video Topic: Reverse Engineering a Tube Using the Ball Probe

This is a tutorial by the developer of VTube-LASER, Michael Cone. Michael will show you how you can reverse engineer a tube with a FARO Edge arm and the ball probe.

Vtube-laser-1.94-reverse engineer tactile video.png.png

Video Topic: The Benefits if Wide Diameter Scanning

This is a tutorial by the developer of VTube-LASER, Michael Cone. Michael will show you why wide diameter scanning is superior to other forms of scanning tubes.

Vtube-1.94 widediameterscanning video.png

Video Topic: How to Reverse-Engineer a Tube

This video shows how to reverse engineer a tube in VTube-LASER 1.94.

The tube used is demo tube number 3. (Filename: "VTube-Laser Demo 3.vtp")

Vtube-1.94 reverse engineering video.png

Video Topic: Springback Compensation Tutorial

This video shows how calculate the anticipated bend angle springback and then compensate the bend setup to make the first part shape close to the nominal shape.

Vtube-1.94 springback compensation video.png

Version 1.93 - July 21, 2014

Video Topic: How to Measure Rectangular Tube Shapes

Follow this quick video to learn how to use VTube-LASER to measure a rectangular tube shape.

Vtube-laser-1.93 measuring rectangular tube.png

Version 1.89 - March 25, 2014

Video Topic: User Interface Sounds Version 1.89

User interface sounds are important for customers that prefer to not look back at the user interface while measuring.

In this version, we've added a Calculation Complete sound to give full sound feedback.

Watch the video to sample the different sounds while measuring.


Version 1.87 - February 18, 2014

Video Topic: New Features in Version 1.87

This video shows an overview of new features in VTube-LASER version 1.87 - including the new UniScan feature.


Version 1.84 - November 21, 2013

Video Topic: Measuring 2.5" Diameter Tube at FABTECH

This video shows our application engineer, Scott Crawford, using VTube-LASER 1.84 to measure a 2.5 inch tube bent in the HMT booth on a Horn bender.


Version 1.84 - November 6, 2013

Video Topic: How To Measure a Radius

This video shows how to measure a tube radius in VTube-LASER 1.83 and 1.84.


Version 1.84 - October 11, 2013

Video Topic: How To Reverse Engineer a Tube with a 180-Degree Bend

This video shows how to measure a tube with a 180-degree bend with no master data in VTube-LASER 1.83.

Vtube-laser-1.83-tutorial reverse 180-degree.png

Version 1.83 - July 29, 2013

Video Topic: Entering Tube Print Data To Establish the Master Data

This video shows how to enter data from a tube print in order to establish the master part data in VTube-LASER v1.83

Vtube-laser-1.83-tutorial enter tube print data.png

This video shows how to import a new XLS language file into VTube-STEP or VTube-LASER 1.83

Vtube-1.83 tutorial importing xls chinese.png

Version 1.82 - June 19, 2013

Video Topic: Measuring with a Ball Probe

This video shows how to measure a tube with a ball probe in VTube-LASER Version 1.82


Version 1.81.5 - April 5, 2013

Video Topic: Point Count and Straight Count

This short video shows the correspondence between centerline point count and straight count. It helps explain where the straight count comes from when you press the "Set to MASTER Count" button.


Version 1.81.4 - March 28, 2013

Video Topic: How to Change Languages

This short video shows how to change the language in the VTube user interface.


Video Topic: How to Use the Language Editor

How to edit any language for the VTube user interface using the VTube Language Editor or Microsoft Excel.

Vtube-languageeditor videotutorial.jpg

Version 1.81.3 - February 22, 2013

Video Topic: The New Floating DRO (Digital Readout)

This video shows a short closeup of the new floating DRO window in VTube-LASER.

Vtube-laser dro with captionbox.jpg

Version 1.81.1 - February 5, 2013

Video Topic: How to Use Hard Point 321 PLP (Plane-Line-Point)

This video shows how to use the 321 PLP method to align a part. It describes reasons to switch to this method of alignment in unusual circumstances.

VTube 1.81.1 321PLP Tutorial.jpg

Version 1.80.1 - December 14, 2012

Video Topic: Repeatability Test for Surface-Coated Aluminum

This demonstrates a quick repeatability test of a surface-coated aluminum tube.

Note: This video has no narration.

VTube-STEP 1.80.1 repeatability surfacecoat alum.jpg

Video Topic: Effective End Scans

This demonstrates the different end scan techniques for measuring tube.

We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the various techniques.

VTube-STEP 1.80.1 endscan.jpg

Version 1.80 - December 8, 2012

Video Topic: Effective highly reflective aluminum scanning

This is a proof-of-concept video for a 1/2" highly reflective aluminum tube. The goal is to demonstrate repeatability better than 300 microns.

The result was a range from 80 to 180 microns (0.003 to 0.007") maximum deviation.

This video also shows the best way to scan a highly reflective tube end - and how to be sure the scan is good.

VTube-STEP 1.80 demoscan almuminum.jpg

Version 1.80 - November 23, 2012

How to extract a tube centerline of demo part 2 with VTube-STEP version 1.80. Note that this part has a 180 degree bend - which requires special steps for import anc calculation.

VTube-STEP 1.80 ImportingSolidModels.jpg

Version 1.76.4 - May 15, 2012

How to measure a straight tube.

How to use Measured tube data to create Master tube data.

Version 1.76.3 - April 2, 2012

How to setup the Scanner Control to measuring tubes with the laser probe.

Version 1.76 - March 15, 2012

Unbending a tube with coping at either end.
(Pro and LASER License Level)

Version 1.75 - February 2012

Older Versions

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