VTube imports STEP and IGES file formats. They are universally supported by all solid model CAD packages. However, in some cases, you may not have access to STEP or IGES files. To convert from other CAD formats to STEP, we have tested and recommend the following programs:
This Premium version of the software will import these formats for conversion to STEP. The program is also excellent for measuring any geometry available in the model.
CATIA V5 R2 - R19 |
(*.CATPart, *.CATProduct) |
CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 |
(*.model, *.exp, *.session) |
Pro/E 16 - Wildfire 4 |
(*.prt, , *.asm , *.xpr, *.xas) |
Autodesk Inventor |
6-2009 (*.ipt), 11-2009 (*.iam) |
STEP files |
(*.stp, *.step) |
IGES files |
(*.igs, *.iges) |
VDA files |
(*.vda) |
SAT files |
(*.sat) |
(*.x_t; *.x_b) |
VRML1, VRML2 files |
(*.wrl) |
Render files |
(*.slp) |
PLY files |
(*.ply) |
XGL files |
(*.xgl *.zgl) |
OBJ files |
(*.obj) |
3DS files |
(*.3ds *prj *.pli) |
ASC files |
(*.asc) |
DXF files 3D |
(*.dxf , 3D-Faces) |
Inventor files |
(*.iv) |
3D-Tool files |
(*.ddd) |
3D-Tool-EXE files |
(*.exe) |
DXF files (2D) |
(*.dxf) |
DWG files (2D) |
(*.dwg) |
HPGL (2D) |
(*.plt, *.plo, *.hpg) |
