How to change the Supravision Configuration Setup

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It is possible to change the configuration of Supravision two ways - either inside Supravision (like in Bender Setup), or by manually editing the CONFIG.SV file.

Editing the file is more powerful, so we will cover that method.

Manually Editing the File in an Editor

The bender setup can be changed in the file in the the same folder that the Supravision executable is running. Be very careful with this - as an incorrect entry will often cause Supravision to bomb at startup.

Sample contents:

$user ABC Tube Fab
$rmrd C:\Program Files\Supravision 5\
$prtd C:\Program Files\Supravision 5\parts\
$rptd C:\Supravision 5\reports\
$anad C:\Program Files\Supravision 5\analysis\
$igsd C:\Program Files\Supravision 5\iges\
$clbt calibrmr.bat
$ssbt \ss3.bat
$lang ENG
$ptns 8 8 8 8 32
$tscr 1018
$pmos 1
$prtr EPSON
$unit E
$deci N
$prob 5
$dncn 99
$ccod 1054
$optm 1
$msgm 0
$msvd 0
$mssm 0
$mses 0
$skdv 1
$snds 1.0000
$bndr 12
 2 ELST   1  20 "VB100" ""
 3f8 NTSV   0  30 "KEINS 30 Left" ""
   9 ELST   0  30 "KEINS 10 1" ""
  11 ELST   0  30 "KEINS 10 2" ""
 3f8 NTSV   1  30 "KEINS 10 Righ" "c:\"
 3f8 NTSV   1  30 "KEINS 10 Left" "c:\"
 3f8 NTSV   1  30 "SMT 300 Right" "\\Left2\C\CNC\svparts"
 3f8 NTSV   1  30 "SMT 300 Left" "\\Left1\C\CNC\svparts"
  4 ELST   1  20 "VB100" ""
  3 ELST   1  20 "VB100" ""
  11 NTSV   0  20 "VB100" ""
 3f8 NTSV   0  30 " General Inspection" ""

General Rules for Configuration

  1. Be sure Supravision is NOT running when you edit and save this file.

  2. Do not change any parameter that you are unsure about (see the warning above). If you do make a change that you are unsure about - be sure you know how to get back to the original file contents. (Make a backup file.)

Rules for Configuring the Bender Network

  1. Change the benderlink configuration in the $bndr section

  2. The number of rows that follow the $bndr section must match the number following the $bndr name. This sample file shows "12". There are 12 rows below. If the row count does not match, then SV will probably bomb at startup.

  3. Each row represents one bender. Row 1 represents the configuration for bender 1. Row 2 is for bender 2, etc.
  4. The columns are SPACE separated. The number of spaces is not significant.
  5. The first column in a row is the COM port number. The COM port is either a HEX address (old method for direct addressing of a physical COM port), or a HEX number (not a decimal number). For example, "10" is decimal port 16

  6. The second column