CNC Bender ProControl

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Date: March 15, 2007



RELOAD Setup feature in the Utility menu

This feature is added to the Utility menu. It allows for reloading the CNC Bender configuration without closing and reopening the CNC Bender software.

There are circumstances where changes to values in low-level configurations may normally need a reboot of the CNC Bender software. Examples are changes to the Axis Configuration, Module configuration, and Processlist configration. This new feature allows operators to reload the configuration without actually rebooting CNC Bender.

NEW: Automatic Shutdown for CNC Bender and Windows

CNC Bender with Automatic Shutdown Active

A new Automatic Shutdown process is initiated when a loss of TCP/IP connection to any top hat module around the bender is disocvered. This allows for a much-improved and smoother bender shutdown process.


The older process required that Windows be turned off using the Start menu. Then the operator opened the back of the operator station to switch the station be opened and the MinuteMan MN350 powered down.

Cncbender automaticshutdown dialog.jpg


The new process is much easier...

1 - Press the E-stop.

2 - Power down the bender.

3 - CNC Bender will sense a loss of TCP/IP communication and propose a shutdown in 15 seconds. This shutdown can be overridden by the operator.

Minuteman mn350.jpg

4 - The CNC Bender UPS (inside the operator station) will initiate Windows shutdown after 60 seconds of loss of power. (This has been verified for both Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

5 - The CNC Bender UPS will power down 90 seconds after Windows was shutdown.

Replacement of Auto Heal

This feature is in replacement to the "Auto Heal" feature introduced in version of CNC Bender. (The Auto Heal feature is no longer available in CNC Bender.)

Setup of MinuteMan PowerCenter Software

Minuteman powercenter.jpg


  1. Shutdown Windows in 60 seconds
  2. Begin verbal warning in 30 seconds
  3. Repeat verbal warning every 10 seconds

NEW: User Interface SKINS

CNC Bender now allows users to enter the User Interface tab menu in the Low Level menu.

Cncbender userinterface menu.jpg
  1. Enter the Low Level menu
  2. Choose the User Interface menu
  3. Choose a skin name from the skin list (Click on the image at the right to see the list of skins)

This shows three examples of different skins in CNC Bender ProControl:

Cncbender skin1.jpg
Cncbender skin2.jpg
Cncbender skin3.jpg

REPAIRED: Pressure Die Boost Inhibit Zones Logic for Multi-Bending

The multi-bending feature allows for retracting the pressure die multiple times during one bend. The pressure die inhibit zone logic would not always work correctly when the multi-bending feature was enabled. This a logic issue has been repaired.

Cncbender pdboost inhibit.jpg

NEW: CNC Bender Speed Control Redesigned

The new CNC Bender speed control is designed to be easier to use than the older spin buttons. This fixes the issue of operators having difficulty pressing the up-down arrows to control the speed.

Cncbender speed control1.jpg Cncbender speed control2.jpg

NEW: Dynamic Options Redraw Redesign

The Dynamic Options controls have been redesigned so that they no longer flash on the screen when moving up or down in the Dynamic Options list.

Cncbender do updownbuttons.jpg

REPAIR: Axis Monitor Dialog Display

The Axis Monitor dialog no longer displays and freezes on the screen at CNC Bender startup.

Cncbender axismonitor.jpg


Two new commands are added to CNC Bender. These DYNAMIC OPTION commands allow operators to enable a custom COMDEF before either the LOAD position or the START position moves. Use this feature to enable/disable actuators just before these moves occur.

Cncbender option precommand2.jpg

PreCommand Load Position

Enable / Disable

Cncbender option precommand.jpg

Enable this option to insert the PreCommand_LoadPosition COMDEF in the process list immediately before the Feed axis move to Load position command is issued in the list.

The PreCommand_LoadPosition command can be modified to activate/deactivate custom actuators immediately before the carriage is moved to the Load position.

PreCommand Start Position

Enable / Disable

Cncbender option precommand3.jpg

Enable this option to insert the PreCommand_StartPosition COMDEF in the process list immediately before the Feed axis move to Start position command is issued in the list.

The PreCommand_StartPosition command can be modified to activate/deactivate custom actuators immediately before the carriage is moved to the Start position.