CNC Bender Custom Modifications

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Cncbender logo.jpg

We regularly provide custom programming for our customers. Customers may think of a feature or an option that we didn't think of. Maybe there's a special application that requires unusual actuators.

CNC Bender software was designed to be updated quickly and efficiently through the use of a list-based options that we call "dynamic options." Because our option lists are dynamic, we can add options very quickly.

This is the process for modification:

STEP 1 - Contact ATT with a Specification We will discuss and map out your specification. This will enable us to estimate the hours of development required for addition of options. We will send you a quotation with a proposal. The proposal may suggest an on-site visit for fine-tuning of the new option(s).
STEP 2 - ATT Develops and Implements the Change After your company places the order for Advanced Tubular development time, we will proceed with development. If our work includes on-site installation and testing, then we will schedule a time to visit your plant to install and test the new feature. We will test for compliance to the pre-established specification for development.


Please contact John Esralian for development prices.