VTube-LASER uses the legacy Eaton Leonard Current Loop protocol to communicate with Premier controls. The protocol requires that an RS-232 signal be converted to Current Loop, then sent to the bender.
This diagram demonstrates how a Benderlink Ethernet Module completes the Current Loop connection between a FARO VTube-LASER computer to an Eaton Leonard Premier, or EL-2000 bender control.
The Benderlink Ethernet Module can be wired or WiFi wireless (optional).
How to Use Communication Between the Premier and VTube-LASER
Communications between VTube-LASER and the Premier is very easy to do because it's robust and also very intuitive.
All communications from the PREMIER control occurs in the VECTOR 1 screen shown here.
VTube-LASER knows how to communicate using the VECTOR measuring center protocol, so the PREMIER control acts like it is communicating with an EL Vector measuring center (also referred to as "Laservision").
When you enter this screen note that the REQUEST TRANSFER box on the right is BLACK. This means that the Premier is not waiting for communications yet.
To put the Premier in communications mode, make the REQUEST TRANSFER box active (green) like is shown here. The WAITING field will be highlighted.
Before you make that button active, check on the following settings:
The MODE in the upper left corner should read "EXTERNAL MODE". It is controlled by the yellow button on the bottom right side of the screen. This mode allows VTube-LASER to control the communications.
The bender number in both this menu and the VTube-LASER Benderlink setup must agree. If they don't, then VTube and the PREMIER will at least issue warnings or dialogs.
If you plan on using the RECALL inside VTube-LASER, then it is important that the correct part number is loaded into memory. That part number should display in the Part Number field. If the part numbers don't match during a VTube-LASER RECALL, then the communications will fail. (VTube-LASER sends a 4 byte request, then the PREMIER returns a short 20 byte answer - which is not an entire part, and VTube will time-out.)
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