Advanced Tubular Loopback Tester Software
The Loopback Tester software is designed to allow you to test an RS-232 connection using a loopback connector. The software works witha physical connector called a "loopback connector." This is a serial connector usually in DB9 form that loops the RECEIVE (also referred to as "RX") pin back to the TRANSMIT (also referred to as "RX") pin. A loopback connector also often loops the CLEAR TO SEND (CTS) pin back to the REQUEST TO SEND (RTS) pin. It is also possible to loopback DCE Ready (DSR) to DTE Ready (DTR) pins.
This forms a complete circuit for testing the original COM port, and all the connectors and cable in between.
So a loopback tester is used to test an COM port cable and connectors with a single computer. The loopback tester is also used to test Benderlink Ethernet Modules. Here are a few images showing various states of the Loopback Tester software in action.