How to Setup Reports to Show Bender Plus Adjusted Data

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Vtube-laser logo.jpg Setup VTube-LASER Reports to Show Bender Plus Adjusted Data

Vtube-laser 1 73.jpg


When building reports with bender data plus adjustment data, it is important to remember that the report builder gets the bender data from the Bender Data Setup menu.

Therefore, it is critical to enter the Bender Data Setup menu to be sure that the blue column values match the current bender setup before building reports.

Here is how to use this principle:

STEP 1 - Measure and Align

Enter the MASTER data, then measure and align the measured tube to the master data.

Vtube 3mm inspection.jpg

STEP 2 - Adjust the Blue Columns in the Bender Data Setup Menu

VTube builds the adjusted bender data in the reports using the blue columns in the Bender Data Setup menu - not the MASTER LRA data. So this step is important even when you are not the Bender Data Setup menu to communicate with the bender.

Blue Columns With All Zeros

In this example, the tube has been inspected, the but the blue columns are still set to zero (see below). The blue columns contain the values that the bender will have before correction. So if the blue columns are all zeros, then the reports will show bender data setup as all zeros + adjustments.

Vtube benderdatasetup bluecol zeros.jpg

Blue Columns With Actual Bender Control Values

Fill the blue columns with data either from the MASTER (initial setup), or the actual data used in the bender.

  • To copy the Master data, use the "COPY Master LRA to Setup LRA" button.

  • To enter actual data from the bender, either press the RECALL LRA from BENDER if your bender has a connection, or enter the data in the blue columns manually.

Vtube benderdatasetup bluecol nonzeros.jpg

STEP 3 - Exit the Bender Data Setup Menu to Display Reports

Now the reports can be displayed with the corrected bender data that is in the Bender Data Setup menu. Exit the menu and preview any report with correction data.

Examine the report chart here to see how the Bender Data Setup values are carried into the report for this change (Bender + Adjusted). See the ORANGE columns in the image in the previous step to compare values.

Vtube report withbenderata.jpg

Example Effect on Report with Incorrectly Setup Bender Data

Examine screen images of the two grid setups in the Bender Data Setup menu (see below). The blue column values on the left are set to zero - which means VTube believes that the bender is setup with all zero lengths between bends. The left grid is an example of an incorrect setup.

The blue columns on the right grid use non-zero data that is programmed into the bender control. This is an example of correct setup.

LENGTHS incorrectly set to all ZEROS: Vtube benderdatasetup bluelengthzero example.jpg

LENGTHS correctly set with real values: Vtube benderdatasetup bluelengthnonzero example.jpg

This is a screen image of a chart based on the values from the left grid above. Lengths (2,3, and 7) should be adjusted negative - but are not. Vtube report withbenderata allzeros.jpg

Explanation of Example Effect

  • This chart looks like an adjustment chart - but it is NOT just adjustments alone. It is the current bender data plus adjustments. So VTube believes that the bender data in the bender control is set to all ZEROS.

  • VTube uses a rule that will not allow a length or bend angle to go negative.

  • So it believes (incorrectly) that lengths 2, 3, and 7 will become negative if adjustment is applied. Therefore VTube substitutes zeros in place of the negative values. (The same rule applies to bend angles - but not rotation angles.)

  • As a reminder, the way to resolve this is to enter the current bender data in the blue columns in the Bender Data Setup before viewing reports.

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