VTube-LASER - End Scan Diameter Qualification Tolerance
From ATTWiki
How the Tolerance Works
The End Scan tolerance allows VTube-LASER to control which points are accepted as potential end-scan points based on how far the points are from the A-End and B-End Diameter values. The image illustrates a tolerance of 1 inch. Any end scan points within that region will be qualified (the orange points).The red points are outside the tolerance, so they are rejected. |
How to Set the Tolerance
You can set the tolerance in two places in VTube. One place is in the System Options / Measure 2 menu. |
The second place to edit the value is in the VTube-LASER Measure Setup menu's "Other" tab menu. |
Choosing Values
Set the Default
Set the default value by clearing the VTube project, then changing the value, then saving the setup to the default file in the System Options - Project Setup menu. |
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