Benderlink for Eaton Leonard

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Blink el v5.7 screenshot.png

For Communication with Legacy Eaton Leonard Controls

Benderlink understands the data structure and communications protocol of older legacy Eaton Leonard benders.

It can communicate with and edit all of the information on the Premier, the EL-2000, and the Velog controls.

The software can be used by any measuring center that uses Supravision Network protocol to emulate Eaton Leonard LASERVISION communications.

It has the following features

  • Bi-directional communication with Eaton Leonard benders using the legacy Eaton Leonard protocol. (Premier, EL2000, Ve-Log)

  • Edit, manipulate, and store all Eaton Leonard data in Windows 7 or Windows 10 or on your network.

El premier 001.jpgEl2000.jpgEl velog 001.jpg

Embedded in VTube-LASER Software

Our tube measuring software, VTube-LASER, has this Benderlink for EL technology embedded. It is included with every license of VTube-LASER software. See the VTube-LASER to Eaton Leonard Premier Communications Tutorial for details.

Diagram vtube to premier.jpg

Hyprex Protocol


The Benderlink for Hyprex is a modified Eaton Leonard protocol. It operates very much like Benderlink for Eaton Leonard.

Hyprex benders use a protocol similar to Eaton Leonard. Benderlink for Hyprex communicates with the Hyprex version of the Eaton Leonard protocol.

Hyprex control.png

Blink hyprex v5.7 screenshot.png

Editing EL Data and Network Storage

Benderlink for EL allows operators to edit ALL the Eaton Leonard data transferred to Velog, EL-2000, and Premier controls. Hundreds of EL values have been identified and are now completely editable inside the Edit EL Data window.

An easy-to-use user interface has been designed to allow operators to easily change values for Eaton Leonard benders very quickly. Examine the user interface on the right, and you will see how simple the Eaton Leonard value structure has been made. The box on the left allows for easy access to all SETUP and EXTENDED SETUP values. The values have been grouped into logical groups for easier access.

The YBC grids on the right are separated the YBC data into four groups: Axis Data, Velocity Data, Function Data, and Stop and Last Data. Editing the data is very fast because moving to the correct variable is very fast.

Data can be sent to one of up to 100 benders, or saved on a local or network drive for backup.

Blinkel editscreen.jpg

Benderlink Ethernet Module - Adding Virtual COM Ports on a Network

Benderlink works with our Benderlink Ethernet Module to communicate through the Eaton Leonard current loop protocol.

This module is an industrial box that contains electronics that is designed to perform direct communications through specialized electronics with Eaton Leonard benders. Each Benderlink Ethernet Module comes with either WIRED ONLY or WIRELESS capability.

This module uses our Communications Board for Eaton Leonard - CB-EL1 for connection to Eaton Leonard benders.

Blink ethernet module vector benderside 600.jpg

Video for Benderlink for Eaton Leonard - Network Storage of EL Bender Data

Video date: August 19. 2022

This video shows how to store Eaton Leonard data in a network location for safe storage.

Blinkel networkstorage video.png

  • See Video MP4

Video for Benderlink for Eaton Leonard and Benderlink for SOLIDWORKS

Download and view videos that show how Benderlink for SolidWorks works.

Sw2el movie.jpg