Universal Tool & Engineering sells Alpine benders built by CSM in Taiwan and distributed by UTE in the United States.
They also manufacture their own UTE brand of bender. The Alpine brand of benders are a popular brand and are gaining in world-share every year, as the benders are high quality at a competitive price.
In the fall of 2013, UTE became a full VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER partner. They actively sell VTube-STEP and promote and integrate the VTube-LASER and FARO tube measuring center system on their web site.
UTE is an active distribution partner for our VTube-STEP software worldwide.
Import tube data from solid models, then produce reports, and send data to benders.
VTube-STEP can export to M3 and M4 Alpine bender controls.
VTube-STEP can send roll bending (push bending) setup to an M4 control.
VTube-LASER, the version of VTube that connects to a FARO measuring center arm, can correct data in the M4 benders.
Contact Information
Universal Tool & Engineering
Jamie Abraham, President
3204 Hanover Road
Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone: (423) 282-0304
Email: Use this web page to send email.
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