Bender to XYZ 6

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Bendxyz logo.jpg

Revision 6

Bendxyz 6 screen with tubeviewer.jpg



Check.jpg ENHANCED: Now Supports 64 bit Windows

  • This version now supports 64 bit Windows - XP, 7, and 8.


Check.jpg NEW: Clipboard Features for the Grids

Copy selections of the grids, copy the entire grid, or copy the grid to the clipboard in an HTML table format.

(Note: To copy the LRA grid, it is necessary to "lock" the grid from changes using the Lock Grid checkbox.)

Bendxyz 6 popup LRA.jpg

Check.jpg ENHANCED: Moved the data file folder to a standard location

The data files are now stored by default in the My Documents\BendXYZ folder.

Check.jpg ENHANCED: Automatically Use the Part Name As Filename

When the filename being saved is empty, Bender to XYZ automatically suggests the Part Name already entered as the new part name.

Check.jpg Other Changes

  • The code for entering and displaying data was optimized with new code for faster performance.

  • Better handling of multi-user logins using Windows XP, 7, and 8 standards set by Microsoft. For example, configuration files for each user are now stored in c:\user\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BendXYZ. Only one installation is required to handle any number of users that login. Each user will have a unique setup.
