Benderlink for Chiyoda/Keins 8

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Blink keinschiyoda orangefire.jpg

Version 8

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Back to Benderlink for Chiyoda/KEINS Revisions

Blink KeinsChiyoda Screen 6.97.png



Check.jpg Bender Selection Improvement

The bender selection dialog was changed so that selecting a bender number is much easier for the user.

Benderlink v8 benderselection.png

Check.jpg New Configuration File Storage Location

The configuration files were moved to the .\Public Document\BenderlinkChiyodaKeins folder for easier management of multiple user logins.

Get to the folder by browsing in the Windows Explorer to "c:\users\public\documents\BenderlinkChiyodaKeins".

Check.jpg New Version of VTube-STEP (v3.1 b695)

This configuration was updated with the latest version of VTube-STEP with many enhancements.

VTS2 SplashScreen.png

Check.jpg New VTube-STEP Loader with Adjustable Path

This version has an enhanced VTube-STEP loader window that lets you select a different version of VTube-STEP to load. It can also now be password protected.

Benderlink v8 vtubesteploader.png

Check.jpg Other Changes

  • The Password Manager program is updated.
  • The password control now allows password protection for loading VTube-STEP.
  • The password file handling algorithm has been improved to remove unnecessary error reporting under certain conditions.
  • A new "Offline License" message appears below the logo if the user is running in Offline mode. (Offline mode is used for programming Benderlink without connection to a bender.)