CNC Bender: How to Offset the Home Position of the Bend Arm

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The home position offset for BEND ARM servo axis can be changed following the steps in this page.


Gear warning.jpg WARNING!

Only technicians should perform what we describe in this page.

Following the page instructions incorrectly can cause damage to a bender!

Steps for Adjusting the Bend Arm Home Offset

Adjust the home offset using these steps:

  1. Close CNC Bender software.
  2. Using the File Explorer, browse to this this folder: c:\cnc\config\cncprocesslist
  3. Look for this file: HomeMachine.cncprocesslist
  4. Load it into Notepad or Notepad++
  5. Find this line: ResetBendArmPosition = pos0:0.0
  6. Change the value to ResetBendArmPosition = pos0:5.0
  7. Save the changed file.
  8. Start CNC Bender software and home the bender.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 until it’s homing perfectly.


Please be careful to not set this value too high. If it is too high, then the bend arm will attempt to drive back into the body of the bender. If you aren’t sure of the exact angle, then guess and then play it safe by making the value smaller. Like – if you think it is 5, then start with 2 or 3, then try it.


Please start keeping an eye on this bender in case it starts changing the home position on you. It may be due to a failing encoder, a loose encoder, or a loose bend chain.

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