CNC Bender v10-20071030

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Cncbender logo.jpg



Check.jpg Conditional Carriage Cross Slide RETRACT - Only if DIES ARE RETRACTED

If the clamp is closed, then carriage sliding AWAY from the dies is overridden.

The original command was inserted like this:

AllCrossSlidesAdvance = cto:6000

The new logic checks for both clamp and pressure die open before it will allow for the carriage to cross slide. If either of these dies is not fully retracted, the AllCrossSlideHome is skipped:

[IF] AND, input=Input_ClampIsHome_Begin, input=Input_PressureDieIsHome_Begin
  [DISPLAY] Next Step: (Center Carriage) Home All Cross Slides
  AllCrossSlidesHome = cto:6000
  [DISPLAY] Completed: (Center Carriage) Home All Cross Slides

This new logic allows for option combinations that were not possible before. For example, RECAPTURE and FEED AWAY FROM DIES can now be enabled together.

Check.jpg Changed a Range Error Message for Clarity

A range error message was changed by adding the RADIUS CHANGE information to help users find a solution this problem:

Immediate Message

Range Error - According to the RADIUS CHANGE Interference Zone value in the TOOL page the Cross Slide Would Have Collided With The Pressure Die. If this is not the case, then adjust the RADIUS CHANGE Interference Zone value.

Check.jpg Production Cycle Time Value

The "Complete Cycle Time" is changed to "Production Cycle Time" and now provides the overall time from part to part.

Check.jpg New General Dynamic Option - PD Set Pressure

If this option is enabled, then the PD Set Pressure Output Points are enabled using the new SetPDPressureOutputPoints command.

PD set Pressure Output Points enable.jpg

Check.jpg Changed Terminology

The following terms are changed in CNC Bender user interface:

In Low Level
Tangent to Collet Face
In Low Level
Machine Length
In Run Page
Complete Cycle Time
In Run Page
Production Cycle Time


Check.jpg Optimized for Win2000 or WinXP

This CNC Processor recognizes the current operating system and optimizes the loop for each operating system.


CNC Bender User Interface for ProControl

If your operator station contains one of the versions listed below, then they can be upgraded through simple self-installation:

See our CNC Bender Upgrade Policy page for details regarding the charges for the upgrade software.

Nav down green.pngDownload the setup file by clicking on this link.
This setup file requires a password to run. Please contact John Esralian for upgrade prices and password information.

For instructions on how to install the file see: How to Install a CNC Bender Upgrade