CNC Bender v11-20080813

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Cncbender logo pushbending.png

Operatorstation model.jpg


Check.jpg Improved Instant Processor Message Removes Controlled JOG Ambiguity

Cncbender instant processor message.jpg

This improved instant Processor message box displays much more information on the screen than in previous versions. For example:

The new display includes the following information:

This removes all ambiguity regarding what is occurring within CNC Processor during controlled jog moves. If an operator presses a JOG button in CONTROLLED mode and no motion occurs because an axis is obstructed, then at least he will now clearly see that the JOG command is ACTIVE.

Cncbender instant processor message wholescreen.jpg

Check.jpg New Windows Up-Time and Up-Time Warning Message

Cncbender windows up time warning.jpg

CNC Bender now displays an Up-Time message under the main logo. This message updates regularly and shows the time elapsed since Windows was started and time elapsed since CNC Bender was started.

Windows Stability Issues: If Windows has not been restarted after extended periods, operation is less stable. So CNC Bender now warns operators if the Windows Up Time is greater than two weeks.

The new warning is displayed under the main logo:

  • It shows the up time for Windows and CNC Bender. This is an example image of a system that has been running for less than 14 days:

Cncbender windows up time okay.jpg

  • It switches to a font color of red with the message "***RESTART Recommended***" message if the system has been running for 14 days with no restart. This is an example warning:

Cncbender windows up time warning closeup.jpg

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