Cable Spec 1

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Spec for RJ-45 Female to DB-9 Female Adapter - "ST" or Straight Through

This is the original RJ-45 to DB-9 conversion spec. It is good for all applications except Benderlink Ethernet Modules with the CB-EL1 current loop board.

Straight Through Pinout

RJ-45 Side - Female DB9 Side - Female
Function Wire
to DB9
RTS Blue 1 ---- 7 RTS
DTR Orange 2 ---- 4 DTR (+5v)
GND Black 3 ---- 5 GND
TXD Red 4 ---- 3 TXD
RXD Green 5 ---- 2 RXD
DCD Yellow 6 ---- 1 DCD
DSR Brown 7 ---- 6 DSR
CTS Grey 8 ---- 8 CTS

Note about the DCD Yellow Wire

The DCD Yellow (RJ45 Pin 6) connection was added on July 4, 2014. It is necessary for a connection to connector cable spec 40 for connection to the MiiC benders. (See Cable Spec 40 - RJ45-DB25 MiiC Pinout)

Note to ATT technicians: Include the DCD Yellow wire in all Cable Spec 1 adapters so that they can work with the MiiC bender serial connection.


Assume that you should use the DB-9 FEMALE for connection to standard male COM ports.


Label each of these adapters with "ST", which means "Straight Through".

Important Testing Note

The receiving pins in this adapter are prone to jump out of their inserted holes if they are not properly pressed in.

With the plug NOT snapped into the cover, plug the port into a DB9 male port to be sure none of the receiving pins are pressed back out of the inserted holes.

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