Exporting STEP models in VTube-LASER

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About Exporting STEP Files

Exporting STEP files from VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP will create STEP files of whatever model is displayed on the screens.

Therefore export commands are not associated with MASTER, MEASURED, or MEASURED ALIGNED data in the Export combo pulldown menus in each of the three parametric data menus.

MENU 1: Export STEP File in File Pulldown

There are two menus in VTube-LASER that will load the STEP Export window for exporting STEP files.

The first is the File pulldown menu on the left side of the screen.

VTL v2.9.17 FileExportSTE.png

MENU 2: Export STEP File in Data Handling / File Data

The second method for loading the STEP Export window is in the Data Handling / File Data menu.

VTL v2.9.17 DataHandlingSTEP.png

About the STEP Export Window

Both of the menus (explained above) will load the STEP Export window. All STEP files are exported inside this STEP Export window.

Vtl v2.9.17 STEPExportWindow.png

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