ROMER Certified Length Bar

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ROMER Certified Length Bar

ROMER Scanner Plus Hex Logo.png

Certified length bars are not included as a standard part of the ROMER Absolute Arm kit. However, they are strongly recommended as an excellent tool to verify that your arm is operating properly.

We recommend that you have at least one length bar available in your shop.

Certified Length Bars for Checking ROMER Arms

Certified length bars are good for verifying that your arm is working properly.

The standard length bars use the 15mm calibration probe in one of three sockets.

There are three lengths available:

  1. 305 mm
  2. 711 mm
  3. 1016 mm

For most customers with a 2.5 meter arm, the recommended length bar to purchase is the 711 mm.


ROMER RDS Control Panel Probe Quick Check Feature

The ROMER RDS system allows you to easily perform a quick check for the arm with the 15 mm center probe installed.

The procedure is inside the RDS Control Panel - Probe menu.

RDSControlPanel ProbeCheckEntry.png

Follow the steps to perform a length check.



You can purchase length bars at the HEXAGON site.

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