VTube-LASER Addata ZModem Communications Protocol

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Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png

Addata ZModem Protocol

Addata ZModem Icon Large.png



About the Addata ZModem Communications Protocol

The Addata ZModem communications protocol is also known as the Addison "Non-Standard Device Interface".

It allows for ZModem file transfer between VTube-LASER and any bender that complies with this protocol. (For example, the Arena software bender controls.)

Vtube-laser v2.8.3 Addata ZModem Send.png

VTube-LASER allows you to setup the COM port configuration to match the configuration at the other end of the serial port connection. Enter System Options, click on the Measure 2 tab, then click on Benderlink. Set the protocol to Addata ZModem, and click on the COM port cell to display this COM port configuration dialog.

Vtube-laser v2.8.3 AddataZModem Benderlink ComSetup.png


Click on the image on the right to see a RECALL/SEND with an Arena Control bender.

Vtube-laser v2.8.3 AddataZModem Video.png