VTube-LASER ROMER RDS Performance Recommendations

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VTube-LASER HEXAGONRDS with AS1 Scanner.png

About HEXAGON RDS ("ROMER Data Service") Software

HEXAGON RDS (from "ROMER Data Service") is a software system that connects software like VTube-LASER to any HEXAGON measuring device that uses the RDS.

See RDS Versions for ROMER Scanners for details of the different arms that RDS can connect VTube-LASER to.


How to Configure the RDS VERSION 6.2 Control Panel

Comment Image
Left click on the up arrow in the system tool tray.

Left click on the blue R.
RDS6 systooltray.png
Left click on the gear icon in the floating window. RDS6 gear.png
Click on Connection RDS6 connection.png
1 - Check the instrument type.

2 - Check to see that an IP address was served to the Ethernet port connected to the arm.

3 - Check the link type.

If you have any questions about these settings, please contact [email protected]
RDS6 connection check.png
Click the RSx button. This button only appears if the laser scanner is switched on and connected. RDS6 RSx button.png
Change to Advanced mode. This mode lets you edit the settings in this menu. RDS6 RSx advanced.png
For the RS5 scanner (not shown here), set all the values like you see here, then "Save As" in step 4 to save the "Scanning profile" - which means you are saving the scanning configuration.

For the RS6 or the AS1 scanner, reduce the Point sampling to as low as it can go (50%), then set the Exposure mode to SHINE. Also, do not reduce the angle of incidence value - or RDS will not allow you to scan around the edges of tube shapes.
RDS6 RSx setup.png
Change to the Advanced settings menu. Unless you know you want this feature, disable the remote mouse. RDS6 RSx advanced remote mouse.png
Press save. RDS6 RSx save.png
Press quit. RDS6 RSx quit.png


How to Configure the RDS VERSION 5 Control Panel

Right click on the R icon in the System Tray. If it is not in the menu on the bottom right, then left click on "Show Hidden Icons" button in the System Tool Tray. Then right click on the R icon in that menu.

Windows 10 System Tray R Icon.png

Left click on the Control Panel icon in the menu that pops up.

RDS System Tray Panel Menu.png

You may also see a menu like this one if you click on the R inside the right click menu. Click on the Control Panel icon in the popup menu.

RDS popup Control Panel.png

Select any Control Panel menu with the buttons on the left to show different menus on the right.

RDS Control Panel Menu Buttons.png

Recommended RDS Version 5 Control Panel Setup

This is how we recommend that you setup the RSx menu in the RDS Control Panel for VTube-LASER.

Click on the RSx menu button on the left to see these settings.

  • Capture mode: Keep button pressed

  • Sound guide: Unchecked (OFF)

  • Point Sampling: 25% (or the lowest available)

  • Behavior when press the left and right buttons: Switch exposure mode

  • Exposure mode: Automatic

RDS Control Panel v5 - RSx Menu.png

To change any of these settings, you will need to change users from Standard mode to Advanced mode. Click on the Standard user button on the upper right corner, then change to Advanced mode by entering the password. The default password is "Advanced".

If you want to, you can save a custom profile (setup) as something like "VTube-LASER".

RDS Control Panel v5 - RSx Menu - Advanced User.png

It is important to disable the Remote Mouse. Remote Mouse allows the arm to act as a mouse - which we do not recommend unless you know that you want to use the arm as a mouse and you know how it works.

RDS Control Panel v5 - Advanced Settings Menu.png

When you make changes, RDS will allow you to save the RDS setup changes with a visible SAVE button on the bottom right corner. Click this button before you exit ("Quit") the Control Panel.

RDS Control Panel v5 - Save Button.png

Click the Quit button to close the Control Panel.

RDS Control Panel v5 - Quit Button.png


How to Enter the RDS VERSION 4 Control Panel

Left click on "Show Hidden Icons" button in the System Tool Tray.

Windows 10 Show Hidden Icons.png

Right click on the measuring center icon.

RDS Arm Icon in System Icons.png

Left click on the RDS Control Panel in the popup menu.

RDS popup Control Panel.png

Select any Control Panel menu with the buttons on the left.

RDS Control Panel Menu Buttons.png

Recommended RDS Version 4 Control Panel Setup

This is how we recommend that you setup the RSx menu in the RDS Control Panel for VTube-LASER.

Click on the RSx menu button on the left to see these settings.

  • Capture mode: Keep button pressed

  • Sound guide: Unchecked (OFF)

  • Point Sampling: 25% (or the lowest available)

  • Behavior when press the left and right buttons: Switch exposure mode

  • Exposure mode: Automatic

RDS Control Panel - RSx Menu.png

To change any of these settings, you will need to change users from Standard mode to Advanced mode. Click on the Standard user button on the upper right corner, then change to Advanced mode by entering the password. The default password is "Advanced".

If you want to, you can save a custom profile (setup) as something like "VTube-LASER".

RDS Control Panel - RSx Menu - Advanced User.png

We recommend that you turn the ROMER sound off in General parameters.

RDS Control Panel - General Parameters Menu.png

ROMER Ball Probe Support

All ball probe systems on devices that run through RDS are compatible with VTube-LASER. (VTube-LASER can use the LASER or the ball probe.)

VTube-LASER works well with systems that only have ball probes. A few of our customers prefer to use only ball probes.

ROMER Driver Downloads

  • RDS 5 works well and is required for the HEXAGON 8-series arms.

  • RDS 4.2.1 and newer work well for the 7-series arms. Version 4.2.2 and newer has anti-outlier (anti-flyer) algorithms for highly reflective surfaces.

Download the latest tested ROMER RDS driver from this page: Advanced Tubular ROMER Driver Support Page.

How to Determine Your Current RDS 4.X Version

Left click on the System Tray icon.

Left click system tray icon.png

Right click on the measuring center icon.

Right click on the measuring center icon.png

Left click on About.

RDS left click on about.png

The RDS About window will display.

RDS4.3.2 About Dialog.png

RDS Performance Notes

When idling, the RDS service requires only 1 to 5 percent of the CPU usage.

When scanning, RDS can take up to 20% of the CPU usage.

It is very important that other processes are not causing the CPU usage to rise to 100%. If you have other services that send the CPU over 50%, you may experience less than ideal scanning responses.

RDS Popup Menu.png

You can watch the CPU usage in the Windows Task Manager.

In Windows 10, to display the Task Manager, right click on the task bar at the bottom of the Windows desktop and choose "Task Manager" from the popup menu.

RDS in Task Manager.png

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