VTube-LASER Training Agenda

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Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png

Vtl screen hd scanner without logo.png



Why is On-site Training Important?

On-site training is a critically important part of succeeding with VTube-LASER. We strongly recommend that you purchase at least one day of on-site training from us when you purchase your first VTube-LASER license.

On-site Training Automatically Extends the VTube-LASER Software Maintenance Plan to ONE YEAR

The VTube-LASER license comes standard with 30 days of VTube-LASER Software Maintenance Plan support. However, if you purchase on-site training with your new VTube-LASER license, then we will extend your SMP term to ONE YEAR - which gives you support and free updates for one year.

HillAirForceBase VTL Training Testimony.png

About the On-site Training Agenda

Training agendas for VTube-LASER usually follow the pattern shown below.

We often adjust the training depending on the customer's application needs.

Number of Trainees and Types of Trainees

The number of trainees in the training depends on the role each trainee is assigned.

There are two types of trainees: Hands-on Trainee and Observer Trainee

Hands-on Operator Trainees: 3 maximum

Hands-on trainees handle the computer and arm. n the steps we show below, many of the actions are hands-on practice. If we have 3 trainees, then the step will require 3 iterations. If we have 5 trainees, then the step will require 5 iterations. Having too many students in the hands-on training may limit how much information we can give. The fewer the number of hands-on trainees, the faster training goes.

Observer Trainees: 3 maximum

If you limit some of the trainees to observers, then the training will move more quickly, and we will be able to teach more information.

Appropriate Equipment

Large Monitors

Also, it is important to know that larger monitors are necessary for training larger numbers of trainees - whether they are hands-on or observers. For example, 6 total trainees cannot easily see a laptop monitor at the same time. It is very important to have a large monitor for a class with that many trainees. (Large = 27" or larger).

Amplified Sound

Please be sure that have amplified sound for this system so that everyone can hear the sound feedback.

Typical Training On-site Agenda

On-site Day 1





Arm installation and setup

Trainees can watch this process to learn how to setup the arm for use and take down the arm for storage.


Bender integration assistance

Trainees can watch us if they want to know the technical parts of setup. It is best for an IT person to work alongside our technician during this step.


Probe and scanner calibration

For operators


Setup a program from solid model

For engineers and operators


How to setup a program from a print

For engineers and operators


Arm connection and scanner setup

For operators


Measuring Cut Planes (measuring the table surface)

For operators


DCP - Diameter Cut Plane Setup

For operators


General measuring setup (set your default tolerances into VTube-LASER)

For operators


How to measure the tube/pipe

For operators. This phase is intense training for how to handle the arm, how to scan the tube, and how to read the realtime Cylinder Fit data results (like Dual Cylinder Fit).


Understanding the inspection results to qualify the tube shape

For engineers and operators. This includes information on the different kind of alignments and when to use them.


Using the Bender Setup window to connect to benders for setup and correction

For operators. This lesson will be of particular interest to bender operators.


How to view reports

For engineers and operators


How to reverse-engineer a tube

For operators


Address any unique application needs

For operators


Hands-on practice

For operators

On-site Day 2





Review what we learned on day 1 - quiz the trainees

This good for all trainee types - Hands-on operators and observers


Practice full corrections loops with actual customer parts

For operators


Review special application needs

This good for all trainee types - Hands-on operators and observers

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