VTube OMCG Bender Correction

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VTube-LASER OMCGSplash.png

This page describes the use of the VTube-LASER to OMCG bender corrections.

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OMCG SVNet Communications Protocol in VTube-LASER

OMCG added the Supravision Network protocol to their Easy Programming 4 version 2.02 bender control software at the beginning of 2019.

As of version 2.9.18, we've embedded the OMCG SVNET protocol in VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER.

You can set this protocol in the Benderlink setup grid in System Options.


VTube-LASER OMCGSVNET BenderSetupScreen.png

Using the OMCG Easy Programming 4 Measuring System Interface

Click on the Measuring System button in the toolbar to load the Measure System Interface.

The window allows you to handle both CORRECTIONS and NOMINAL data.


  • The NOMINAL EXPORT section allows you to SEND NOMINAL data FROM the OMCG software to VTube-LASER.

  • The NOMINAL EXPORT Enable allows OMCG to automatically respond to a request for NOMINAL data from VTube-LASER.


  • The NOMINAL IMPORT section allows you to IMPORT VTube-LASER data INTO the OMCG.

  • In this case, you can load any Supravision file created by VTube-STEP or VTube-LASER into the OMCG control.


  • You can set a variety of options to control how you want the data to come into the OMCG control.

  • Recommended settings:

  1. Enable corrections

  2. Set Apply Mode to "Ask" in order to confirm that you will allow the corrections to be applied.

  3. Apply the corrections to any of the three options. (Use the checkboxes.)

OMCGScreen WithMeasuringSystem.png

OMCGScreen MeasuringSystemInterface Window.png

Configuring the OMCG Measuring System Interface

Click on the setup button in the Measuring System Interface menu to configure the measuring center communications.

Configuring the Settings

  • Bender Name: This is mnemonic. It is to help you know which bender is associated with the bender number.

  • Bender Number: The Supravision network protocol requires that every bend have a unique number if the benders are sharing the same network path for communications.

  • Paths: These are the paths used for VTube-LASER to communicate with the OMCG software.

  • Timeouts: These are timeouts that allow the OMCG to know when it has waited too long for data to move in either direction.

  • Radius Adjust Enable: This allows VTube-LASER to change the radius values with nominal and corrections communications.

  • Allow negative angle: Wire benders can bend left or right depending on the sign of the bend angle. It is normal to make this feature active.

  • Invert Correction Sign: This setting should be unchecked for VTube-LASER.

  • Apply Detailed Message: Add verbose messaging to screen dialogs in OMCG by enabling this option.

OMCGScreen MeasuringSystemInterface Configuration Window.png

OMCG Documentation from OMCG

This is the official OMCG Document (PDF - English) for setup and use of the OMCG SVNET protocol.

Download the OMCG PDF Setup Document

OMCGScreen SetupDocument PDFScreenShot.png

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