"COMDEF" is a shortened version of the words "Command Definition". A COMDEF is a command file that contains any number of motion, input, output, or other motion-related commands. The word was created to be used with Advanced Tubular CNC Bender software.
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Example COMDEF
For example...
... is a COMDEF that contains all the CIO output objects necessary to send all the dies to the home position, then monitor inputs to ensure that they arrived before continuing.
Individual File
Each COMDEF is an individual file. The COMDEF files are stored in c:\cnc\config\comdef folder.
COMDEF files can be edited using the COMDEF.exe program available in the c:\cnc folder of your operator station. The internal format of COMDEF files is binary for efficiency. They must be edited in the COMDEF.exe program.
--Mcone 12:47, 8 July 2006 (EDT)