PreCommand for Load and Start

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This Dynamic Option allows operators to enable a custom COMDEF (Command Definition) before either the Load Position or the Start Position moves in the Process List for bending. Use this feature to enable/disable actuators just before either of these moves occur in the Process List.

User-Definable and therefore Flexible

Because these reference general COMDEF files (PreCommand_LoadPosition and PreCommand_StartPosition) the motion or action that these PreCommands perform can be adjusted to fit the application by anyone familiar with using the COMDEF.exe and CIO.exe programs.

For example, it would take only a few minutes to reconfigure CNC Bender to actuate several new outputs, then watch for any number of inputs in either of these COMDEF commands. No new programming from Advanced Tubular is required to adjust these commands.

Cncbender option precommand2.jpg

PreCommand Load Position

Enable / Disable

Cncbender option precommand.jpg

Enable this option to insert the PreCommand_LoadPosition COMDEF in the process list immediately before the Feed axis move to Load position command is issued in the list.

The PreCommand_LoadPosition command can be modified to activate/deactivate custom actuators immediately before the carriage is moved to the Load position.

PreCommand Start Position

Enable / Disable

Cncbender option precommand3.jpg

Enable this option to insert the PreCommand_StartPosition COMDEF in the process list immediately before the Feed axis move to Start position command is issued in the list.

The PreCommand_StartPosition command can be modified to activate/deactivate custom actuators immediately before the carriage is moved to the Start position.